• Location: Tua Chua district
  • Status: COMPLETE (Jul 2023 - May 2024)
  • Fund raised: USD 80,000

Background Information

Sinh Phinh commune is an impoverished commune in Tua Chua district. The commune's topography is complicated and treacherous to drive, especially in the rainy season. The commune has 1331 households with 7049 people. In 2022, poor households are 852/1331 households, accounting for 64%. The main income is from farming 

The commune has 4 educational units: 1 kindergarten, 2 primary schools, and 1 secondary school

Sinh Phinh 1 primary school

Sinh Phinh 1 School was established in 1994. The school is 10 km from the district center. 

The total number of teachers and staff is 32 (Teachers: 27; Staff: 05). There are 16 classes with 462 students in the school year 2022- 2023. The number is estimated to increase to 500 students in the next school year. There are currently 356 boarding children, and the next year it is 390 boarding children. In compliance with the national education program, students from remote school sites will be gathered at a central site to access English and computer training programs. This resulted in a significant increase in the number of boarding students in the following year.

100% of students are Hmong. The number of students from poor households accounted for 60%

Concerning facilities, the school includes: 

- 16 classrooms: 4 permanent, 3 semi-permanent, and 9 temporary

  • 15 new classrooms that have been constructed (govt funding)
  • Old degraded temporary and semi-permanent rooms will be demolished after the new building is completed
- Temporary toilets
- 01 temporary kitchen + dining room
  • The school borrowed 1 large temporary room from the Commune to use as a classroom + kitchen + dining room
- 02 temporary boarding rooms for 356 students
  • The room for girls is inside the school
  • The room for boys is 1 km away from the school
  • The boarding students live 4 -10 km away from the school
  • 6 -8 students on a bed
- The school will not receive any financial support from the government till 2030

VFE Project

VFE had carried out field assessments and then decided to finance Sinh Phinh 1 primary school with the following items: 
  • New boarding house with 6 rooms 
  • Shower rooms 
  • Dining area
Thanks to your generous donations, we are able to complete the project in one go. The contract was signed in November 2023 The time of construction is 5 months. Its progress was closely monitored by us to ensure that time schedules, quality specifications, and cost calculations were adhered to.


1. Original condition

temporary boarding room

Old degraded classrooms will be demolished after the new building is completed

Temporary toilet
The school borrow 1 room from the commune to use as a classroom + kitchen + dining room

15 new classrooms

permanent classrooms

In construction

Complete new construction
